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 No.713[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I redid the front page/top of board news to be pulled from threads, so all future site news will be posted here. Feel free to give feedback/responses , since only staff posts will be shown on the front page.
263 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


who cares

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Finally getting around to setting up something I floated a while ago - a TF2 server! See >>840 (thanks to >>1283 for reminding me)
I ran sourcemod servers on here for a while, but those are niche in of themselves, so this time we're doing one server on the main game. This server is for suggestions, including
>sourcemod plugins
>server features
>anything, really
I'll get it up and running in the next few days or maybe sooner. Just gotta copy over some configs.
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That's fine. Server seems to be going nowhere fast so I'll probably be going back to the drawing board, but it'll stay up until further notice.

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/meta/ is for discussion pertaining to wapchan itself. please do not use this as a "random" or otherwise off topic board. thank you!

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Rules are broken for some reason

Pic related
4 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


The sushigirls.us link points to hikari3.


That's a good thing. Why is tiny baby wapchan advertising for such a massive imageboard? Seems counterintuitive.


Both "Rules" and "Streams" are broken.


If there are no rules or we can’t see the rules, this means we can break them and post whatever!


This has been fixed

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Why are we friends with a site where users post stuff like this? (warning gore)
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Mostly historical reasons (they were the first substantial altchan to contact us)

Will discuss this issue in a community fireside chat


mocking dead kids is a pretty fucked up sense of humor. thats fucked even for me.


I will never understand normalfags and their pathological need to moralfag over the most harmless content that can be found online.


>dead babies
<okay harmless fun pfft
>sex with babies
What explains this sickness?


This is just a false equivalency. The picture you linked was made to document and spread awareness of a Nigerian massacre. It's akin to that famous "The Terror of War" photo which contains imagery that may disturb, but has the redeeming value of displaying its namesake. How are these images harmful at all, let alone harmful in a way that is comparable to CP? Is it a contradiction to treat two distinct things with wildly different functions differently?

What if I don't like a joke that was made on hikari3 or sushigirl? Will you disassociate from them when I make a thread on here to bitch about it? Isn't that just the most arbitrary way to decide anything? Better yet figamin should flip coins on stream to decide who gets to stay on the list!

Why would OP think he could pinktext here? I wonder where he's from?

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 No.442[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How do you think we're gonna get more traffic around here?
124 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Working on a substantial site rewrite.
Also working on more activities around here.
Gonna make it.


Or if 4chan keeps doing that “Wait 15 minutes before posting” thing sitewide could be troublesome. It states that it only affects “new users” and yet whenever the bookmark tab page gets refreshed for me I’d have to do it.


Why would anyone seriously use 4chan today? It’s just trash. There’s nothing worthwhile there.


Y’know, sometimes it isn’t as easy, /m/ is still pretty great despite how slow it is and one of the few boards that never really went down the deep end


>“Wait 15 minutes before posting” thing
They actually did that? I'm seeing email verification is necessary now wtf. Meh I hope it kills the site. Its a disgusting place.

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Onion site isn't working


I'll fix this in a few hours


Sorry for the delay, onion site is back up


Its down again! FIGAMIN!!!!!


tor crashed :(
back up + set it up to auto restart if that happens again


Threads don't update after posting in them and I get this error in the console.
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Relative times are shown when hovering over the date now. Made that change out of the blue so I don't know how people feel about it. What toggle are you talking about?


There's an option for it in the Settings. It seems to be bugged too, if I visit the site from a clear browser, on first visit both local time and relative time are off, but if I press refresh they get toggled on, and the dates on the posts change.


Also, links to files that appear in auto-updated posts look weird like this.


Revert that change and instead change the default value of the javascript toggle if you want the default behavior to be not showing relative time. This way people can enable it if they want to. Alternatively just fix the toggle to adapt to the changes you made, but it's kinda spaghetti that way.
I would suggest you always check for other toggles and options before making changes unless you want to break them by hardcoding in something else.

Off-topic, but I miss not having to click the plus every time I want to change board. I don't see why a mod button or index/catalog buttons take priority over seeing the different boards. Having them visible by defualt makes people more aware they exist in the first place. If you want easier access to index/catalog it could always be together with the top/bottom links anyways.


If I hover over a filename in a post that has only one picture attached, the whole filename is revealed. But doing the same on a post with multiple files does not work. I hope these two files have long enough names to illustrate the issue.

File: 1719915108132.jpg (401.01 KB, 1632x1800, conanrain.jpg)


I really do love this website and the whole idea of it. I've been lurking for a long time here, about a few weeks after the site was launched and have scarcely posted here and there.
I just feel there's not much of a community or even a culture with wapchan, maybe except for /kind/.
I like the idea of the montly anime watch and video game, but it's clearly not working or driving much engagement.
How do we fix this?
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>giving up your hiiki ways
I haven't seen it but that's more of the type of thing I have an issue with. There is nothing wrong with being a hikikomori, but it's the wallowing in and spreading misery over either being a hikikomori or a wagie or whatever that overtook a lot of communities, and hobbyist communities end up being overtaken by people forced into them instead of joining through interest. I use wizchan as an example, take /jp/ and every other post ends up being about how Japan is shit, how anime sucks, how anime "was a mistake" and such. I am wary of a place driven by a non-thematic board.


It's wrong to bash people for being hikkis or "wagies", but at the same time it's really offputting to see someone make their personality about being a hikki neet and bragging about it, MANY imageboards are filled with those types and I don't think it's any different from the /pol/ types in terms of toxicity and sociopathy

>non-thematic board
wizchan's whole thing is about being 30+ yo virgins, what did anyone expect could come from such a place?
You can be a hikki neet and be fine personality wise and slowly but surely turn your life around, but as soon as you embrace it and make it a part of you, you're fucked. Nobody with any empathy should encourage hikkis to be hikkis, especially if you have any personal experience as one.

(it's like being obese or any kind of addict, it's wrong to bully someone for being addicted to food or drugs but at the same time you know it's wrong and unhealthy, the last thing anyone should do is encourage it, at most don't talk about it and let that person work on it on their own. I just wouldn't talk to or like being in any setting with such a person if they embraced being obese as a good thing, or a smoker as a cool thing and so on.


>I haven't seen it but that's more of the type of thing I have an issue with
If your issue is imaginary enemies that exist elsewhere then there is no issue. Just take a deep breath and remember it's going to be fine.


I'm the guy who made a positive post on /kind/ and felt it almost led to a collapse of the board. I've also been mostly a hikki and NEET for the past 12 years and hopefully for good now. But if a community is created around an interest, it's irrelevant if each user is an optimistic satisfied hikki or a depressive suicidal mentally-ill normalfag, or racist or a /pol/ user, that's not what will drive the discussion or what will be talked about.

I can take part in a forum about baking with professional bakers, or a language forum with translators and researchers, without being a professional or working in the area (or at all), just by being interested and taking part on those activities.

A hobby is something people are supposed to look forward to and be in expectancy of, for an Internet imageboard community to work it must be grown by people who think the Internet is good and like imageboards, and think that the community is something important and relevant to their lives, and that it should be cherished and cared about.


shortform /wsg/ style bumps with a focus on lofi/retro anime, VHS rips would work well on twitter.


Use the spamfilters
It's the same spam links over and over, just collect them all and filter them out so the posts don't go through.


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