>>1468It's wrong to bash people for being hikkis or "wagies", but at the same time it's really offputting to see someone make their personality about being a hikki neet and bragging about it, MANY imageboards are filled with those types and I don't think it's any different from the /pol/ types in terms of toxicity and sociopathy
>wizchan>non-thematic boardwizchan's whole thing is about being 30+ yo virgins, what did anyone expect could come from such a place?
You can be a hikki neet and be fine personality wise and slowly but surely turn your life around, but as soon as you embrace it and make it a part of you, you're fucked. Nobody with any empathy should encourage hikkis to be hikkis, especially if you have any personal experience as one.
(it's like being obese or any kind of addict, it's wrong to bully someone for being addicted to food or drugs but at the same time you know it's wrong and unhealthy, the last thing anyone should do is encourage it, at most don't talk about it and let that person work on it on their own. I just wouldn't talk to or like being in any setting with such a person if they embraced being obese as a good thing, or a smoker as a cool thing and so on.