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Using wapchan (boards or chatrooms) means you're agreeing to following the rules below:

  1. You are 18 or older.
  2. We don't tolerate bigotry. Please be mindful of this. Buzzwords like "troon" will get you permanently banned.
  3. No current political discourse (last 20 years). Historical political discourse is allowed if it is related to the topic and follows the above rule.
  4. No frogs or jaks. They don't fit the theme of this site, and we encourage users to make original meme formats.
  5. No posting personal information (dox).
  6. In general, keep conversations civil. Excessive flame wars may be removed.
  7. AI art is not allowed. No exceptions.
  8. Posting unsolicited advertisements is not allowed. If you believe whatever you are promoting may benefit the site or its users, contact the admin about it.
  9. Incoherent/schizo posts will be removed.
  10. Do not post anything illegal under US law (where this website is hosted).