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/wap/ - wapchan discussion

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I wish things were a little less slow around here...
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It'll be like that for a while I guess, even if this altchan does get a lot more users I do wonder if there will be a limit to what we can discuss if we keep it to a certain time period. Not saying we should change the dates by any means, but I do wonder if we'll basically see the exact same kind of conversations in around 2-3 years over the same shows?

Enjoy wapchan while it's slow and positive anyhow, I doubt I've seen that many arguments or negativity in general beyond a few posts. Never know when it'll start to look more like a Pre-2000's thread on /a/.


I think it would be good for the board to branch out into other topics over time. This place has already proven itself to be a much comfier alternative to a lot of other boards out there, so discussing stuff that isn't specifically retro or anime related would be fine for me. I'm just happy to be able to come to a cozy chunk of the web and have a good time.


You could encourage people to watch more shows. I figure people willing to branch out to altchans would be willing to try other shows they otherwise wouldn't have come across.


Personally, I enjoy the more slow pace and chill vibe of altchans like these. Where there's this heavy focus on appreciating works that already exist with a more dedicated but mature viewer base. A s compared to the constant feed of arguements and hype over newer releases. More larger forums and social media platforms tend to attract insults and mud slinging then they do actual friendly discussion about a piece of media they enjoy. If anything it'd be better to prevent people from finding this board too soon to delay an onslaught low quality posting and heavier moderation to compensate.


good post


I accidentally posted in the wrong board here, can you remove it?


I deleted it, nevermind.


Should there be a textboard (2ch-style) named /text/?
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It should run on Kareha and also, should we enable AA support with a [sjis] tag feature?


If it doesn't get a textboard, instead a 2channel theme for WapChan?


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I'll probably add a text board soon enough, but here's two new themes for the main site, Ayashii and 2channel.


Those hit the spot.



Don't forget to add support for Shift_JIS art via [sjis] tags


I get frequent 404 errors seemingly randomly, and if I keep refreshing they disappear again!
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Doodle is back


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I get them so frequently these days that the site is pretty much unusable.


This is something that I am trying to fix, currently testing some patches to the engine.


Looks like I was able to fix it, based on the last few days at least.


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Yay! Thanks!!


We're back!
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I don't think anyone here particularly likes discord, but it's what people actually use. The IRC on here was dead as fuck.


IMO people should be using XMPP more, has some nice clients and can be self hosted if you're so inclined. Its great for text/image posting with people and can run on a potato. I've ran one for like 4 years and its been set and forget mostly.

also unrelated, wapchan has been 404'ing for me more than its been up lately. Is figamin doing stuff? I dont see any notice or anything


I think when I repaired the database it introduced some lingering issues that I need to go in and fix, because it keeps crashing due to UTC timecodes or something.


discord's kinda dogshit but it's the best instant messenger out there ;;-;;


There's not a person I want to talk to that isn't on Discord so.

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spambot-kun is back posting illegal content plz remove
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I reported cp I found in /cel/ mysel, and when the captcha loadedit asked for both the captcha and the reason for my answer? For the reason I just typed the captcha again but I'm not sure if actually did it correctly? Did I?

I'm looking for any answer, I know wap has been going through changes but that's never happened to me anywhere I've been online so it's new to me.


Also sorry for the small typos, it's a bit late, and I'm just pushing these messages out


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I think it's supposed to be the reason for the report. I usually write "cp spam".


Deleted it
>>1117 is right



Its the reason you are reporting it.
I just report it as spam because i dont know who these reports are actually going to.
I know too many cp reports will get a site shut down and is used to do such sometimes.


The captcha doesn't show up on the onion version of the site.


Please fix the stupid ssl cert on the radio (or ideally just remove it completely you don't need ssl on a radio stream)


Everything should be fixed now, I moved the radio back behind NGINX and ditched the seperate cert. This also means you don't need to include port 8000 when accessing it, since it's now on port 443.
>you don't need ssl on a radio stream
You really don't, but a lot of web browsers complain about http links now so I have it https to be safe.>>830


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Hey from the head janny of SheepishPatio
Ive been lurking(mostly) this site for a few months now and wanted to extend a hand of friendship.
Maybe this is a bit embarrassing, but i've got a lot of admiration for the development of this site and how its been administered. I love whats been done with the place, so I wanted to be friendly.

SheepishPatio is a web forum for hobbies, our users like books, games and anime among other things. You guys have a bit more of a retro focus than us but I think there'd be some good crossover.
The site is still developing with new features (some I'd really like to sort out) and my lot are a good bunch. It is a user based forum though so not anonymous, though you can use any email (real or otherwise). Just means that you wont be able to reset passwords without contacting me

If that sounds good to you, feel free to check us out. Otherwise i'll still see you here


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There's no need to be embarrassed - it's not easy running any kind of site that allows user uploads, especially if it's anonymous. I've contemplated myself if the future of wapchan is a forum versus an imageboard, since the site's pace and culture lends itself to long, detailed posts, and the userbase is quite small, but its hard to make decisions like that when you want to keep the existing userbase in mind. I have visited your website before when you followed the wapchan twitter, and you've done a nice job in keeping things nice. The fedi instance is a bit more unhinged, but seems alright enough. Last fall I contemplated making a pleroma instance for wapchan, but ultimately didn't go through with it. Seems like the fediverse is very divided these days, especially with all those blocklists passed around.
Anyways, I'll add you to the friends list. Keep up the good work!

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Hello, wapchan, 2kind.moe here! Nobody had any issues with becoming friends.

Our site is well... kind! We like to take it easy over there. We welcome most topics, so long as discussion remains civil.
While we don't have any rules about it, our users don't care for the modern imageboard user.
/kind/ might not be as big as it once was, but you won't find such a dedicated userbase anywhere else!

Hopefully this introduction is satisfactory. I'll add you to our friends page.
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I found this site through /kind/.


The friends list was archived back in june.
>/comfy/ - A place to relax
>/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives
>/server/ - 188
>/cute/ - Cute/2D
>wapchan - Retro anime and more
>junkuchan - Nice little text board.
>04.sbs - Imageboard for any images that look nice.


We also recently added Hikari3 to the friends list.


Thank you for everything figamin.

This place is really nice looking, I love the general look of all the boards, specially /chill/, it's my favorite.

Also, I noticed that threads on /chill/ get bumplocked after 2 replies (or was it you?). I don't want to bump a post so I use sage but it still won't let me. I'm also a refugee here so I was wondering if there's any way around that bumplock.

Is there any /chill/ specific rule that I might've missed or any way to find how it works?

I could've made a post about this here on /wap/ but I feel like it's a minor concern therefore it doesn't deserve one.


/chill/ was originally intended to be a single thread board, seems like I forgot to take the bump limit off when I changed it to a general board. That should be fixed now.

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