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/cel/ - Retro Anime & Manga

WAMC Summer Series - Kodocha
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Who do you do it for, /ar/?


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The best girl.




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I mostly do it for my wife, Konata.


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I always liked Ukyo the best. Love a woman who can cook.

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What did she mean by this?
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That sounds like a lie or a lot of cope. They sleep facing each other holding hands. It never went full gay because Chiho thought it would scare people away, so Ikuhara put as much romantic subtext as possible into the series


they never went full gay because it would not make sense for their characters to act like that. retard
chiho saito wasnt the arbiter


>chiho saito wasn't the arbiter
No but bepapas were a team and they all had their say. This is literally confirmed by interviews with Ikuhara and Saito that she was the one to stop it being gay. The reason why the movie is gay is because it was unrestrained Ikuhara.
>it would not make sense for their characters to act like that
Did you even watch the show


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Movie Utena is a cute reverse trap tho


She was a cute reverse trap until she turned into a fucking car, was insane

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Oro !


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How did he always appear everywhere, anyway


A wizard did it.


It was fate


because of shinobufags


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Post media that's modern, but clearly in the style of retro anime.


Fake retro is not retro




Not wide enough


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oh noes


We must go EVEN WIDER!

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Feel free to join if you're interested. It's originally an /a/ stream:

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Stream was great. Thanks for hosting.
My favorite was the minky momo Bridge over dreams ova.


do NOT have sex with your computer


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If I'm not supposed to have sex with my computer then why is my computer so sexable?


Source on image? I really like the way she's carrying that fainted(?) girl and want more.


Agent Aika. It and its two prequels are pretty much summed up by that image, so go crazy.

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>Moshi Moshi, Ghostu Suipa Mikami desu?
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>30 yen
she literally gets paid 2 cents per hour


thats a lot if you consider that shes a ghost, what does she need the money for anyways.


It's a shame the anime never covered the later half of the book where she becomes human again


didn't she lose her memories and never ended up with yokoshima tho?


She got them back and rejoined the team as a necromancer.

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*dj scratch sounds*

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