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/cel/ - Retro Anime & Manga

WAMC Summer Series - Kodocha
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It's time to play the retro otaku famous sport, finding old Japanese web pages! Now these days, various search engines have been filtering these pages, making them harder to find, but if you know a thing or two about old anime/doujin circles, this shouldn't be a challenge for /ar/.
Do pixelly oekaki scribbles make you blush? Does finding dithered old .MAG anime CGs make you cum? Then take note of these examples to find these types of images on your local search engine
>"index of" ~[insert generic japanese nickname here]
>"index of" ~[insert old PC model here]
>CG [insert 90s anime or 90s anime character name], "ne.jp", 1998.03.05 (this date is just an example, any date between the early 90s-early 00s will give you results)
Voila! You've done it. Now contribute to the thread with your various findings. Happy hunting, /ar/.


this is a nice idea, but I wouldn't limit it to porn


File: 1642597024277.png (268.54 KB, 971x760, arnolddesu.png)

Instructions unclear somehow I am here. Send help OP


Would Yandex yield far more results?


share where you found those, please!


File: 1664437340401.png (108.79 KB, 1024x768, ME-tanvsPorn.png)

I found these Higurashi-themed sites from the otaku documentary in >>877
https://poopingpenis.web.fc2.com/higurasi/ (mirrored from trapmaster.topaz.ne.jp/higurasi/, I had a feeling it wouldn't last long, so thankfully I had the good conscience to save it since the Internet Archive didn't)


>>887 (me)
actually, it's still up, my browser just redirected it to HTTPS by default, so it wouldn't load

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