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How many of these have you watched? How many do you like?
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Eh, I preferred Le Chinoise
>8 1/2
Wasn't as into it as everyone I've heard of the movie from seems to be, but that's probably just a taste thing.
>Seven Samurai
Love this one, not really arthouse though.
>Cleo from 5 to 7
Keep trying to torrent this one but there's never any peers
Love this one. It was probably my first "arthouse" film
>Le Samouraï
Actually about halfway through this one, gonna finish it tonight. Loving it so far, but it may be because I'm partial to Alain Delon
>Un Chien Andalou
Love this one as well

Haven't seen Chunking Express, but I liked In the Mood for Love.


M, Seven Samurai, The 400 Blows, Bicycle Thieves, La Haine, Three Colors, that's it
not much ig


Nothing tbh


I have only watched Stalker yet, and I liked it.
Its cinematography is great and I like its setting. But it isn't edited well and way too long. Could have liked it even more if I had not expected sci-fi but rather a philosophical film


Solaris is the more accessiblebTarkovsky film. Somewhat less philosophising more sci-fi, same kinography. You should definitley check it out if you liked Stalker.

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Do you like symbiote from MARVEL comics?


The original 90s comic(s) was all over the place. Venom always shined the most in animation and games.

Wait can we discuss non-Japanese stuff here?


Of course. There's quite a lot I like from the west.


Mark Bagley's art style is great

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I can't be the only one who's read Love and Rockets can I?

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Help how do i precisely draw reflections and refractions of an under/above water wave or surface imagery like picrel

The colors and shapes of the reflections and refractions confuse me most especially with realism as concern

Especially the cylindrical wave shape, reflection of objects other than the ocean floors.... seems like wild guessing so i wanna know the rightest and position maybe by math or whatever projection solution


/ic/ already told you what to do


Yup it’s happening
What have (You) watched recently?
What is your favorite mob kino?

(Sopranos is ‘99)
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What's /rum/?


the retro music thread


Why’d he kill young Chrissy?


>once upon a time in america
Kike fellas was okay (7/10) +1 for Jcon


What’s the deal with the mob flicks? Why one could like em?


A thread/general for discussing the output (both good and bad) of one of the best and most prolific action movie generators ever: 20th century Hong Kong.

What's your favorite action film from the golden era of Hong Kong cinema? Mine's gotta be 'Yes Madam!' The action choreography is some of the best of the era, the cast of characters is great, the comedy is actually funny, and for once the plot makes sense! I've never shown it to someone who hasn't enjoyed it. Also Michelle Yeoh is a total babe.
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How dare you


Chris Tucker is the GOAT


Oh, there's no doubt about that. Any actor who's been in both a great scifi flick and a movie with Jackie Chan is alright in my book. Hell, Rush Hour is a good movie. But it's not Hong Kong action. The fights are middling and it's mostly just buddy cop antics.


Yo OP, how about making this a Hong Kong Movie general. There's a lot more of Hong Kong movies outside action genre.


Good idea, I didn't know how busy this board would be so I made something a bit more specific than necessary. I hereby declare this to be a "Hong Kong Movie General". It is done. Post freely.

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