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how animate walk cycle correctly like in positions and rotations. maybe mathemathically and physically.

no 3d, so manual calculation of sorts. i know most pdf about the topic but i guess i need som extra application if done in 2d scene or whatever perspective of the scene


please help me fill out my folder of 90s and 00s internet/gamer/tech pics
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kill yourself fake anon


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What went so wrong bros...


...trying render translucent things near each other and its... hypothethical infinite light bouncings, drives me mad.

I know cant draw anything without thinking about that in retrospect.

Everything i used to aim for and makes me happy achieving even an inch just... loses its value.

What do.
I feel like 600k or solving this would push me forward.

But i m not sure either.

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Was reading through the old Masters of the Universe mini-comics and felt compelled to share this page because Skeletor playing with a He-Man action figure just seems so incredibly meta.

MOTU / He-Man thread I guess.

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How to count your art, so to make it equivalent to other 6 digit social media content?

Like sure, practice and improov
But there are not so good realistic art too despite both being realistic.
Or the other one being more thinly marketted, but putting that aside, between two equally marketted realistic or anime piece, how does quality then contribute to the difference? How to pick or add the better stuff, so to look better?

Where are the reference


heaviest record ever made. Sends every osdm band home on a stretcher
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gtfo of here thats some goo goo gaa gaa shit. a real heavy record is about goatfucking.



ildjarn/lln hipster demo tape #763764. I listen to real kvlt music like impaled northern moonforest and deafheaven


Vulgar Display of Power craps all over Cowboys from Hell. The title song and the intro to "Cemetery Gates" are classic though.
It's too bad Seth Putnam died before he was needed most. Dying of a heart attack is gay.


dying is gay in general.


heaviest trad metal (it's actually trad sounding thrash):


I'd like to cycle out the music on the radio monthly going forward, since its had it's current library for a long time now. Doesn't have to be anime related or anything, just whatever you like, as long as you can provide a YouTube link or mp3 file and it's not unlistenable.


Sure, here's a mix of stuff from a variety of places. I'll try to keep it pre-2000s:





Vidya (some remixes/arrangements for fun):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUOos3us-JE (cutting this to a 2 min loop would be ideal)

Can't recall if these were added months ago or not, I remember there being a list you could check somewhere but I can't remember where to find that now.


That playlist still exists, it just got tucked away when I pushed the redone UI



Ah, now that I have a look I see Finger Dancin' and Yawara's 2nd OP is on there (third music youtube link).

Don't wanna repeat some stuff so add these two instead:



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Remembering a few young adult books that I would have read probably in the late 80s/early 90s, roughly. Can't remember the titles and haven't had much luck searching them up based on what I remember.

- Fantasy story where the MC's sidekick had a name I found pretty ridiculous, it was like "Pompoo" or something, pretty sure there was a "poo" syllable in it at least, because that's a great choice for a name in a kids' book right? The villain was described as having "a claw of iron", in full it might have been "a heart of stone and a claw of iron" but I'm only sure about the claw part. One of the chapters left off on the MC about to fall and grabbing what he thought was his friend's hand and it was like "but it wasn't a hand. It was a claw of iron". I forget what happened then but that chapter cliffhanger stuck with me.

- Fantasy setting that lays out the classic "whatever brave knight can slay the dragon plaguing our kingdom can marry the princess" setup, but the twist is that the princess runs away, gets herself outfitted with a suit of full plate armor, and goes around the countryside disguised as a man, hunting the dragon herself. Ultimately finds and engages the dragon in a really brutal battle where half her face gets burnt off and it almost ends in a mutual kill, but she gets that Sigfried type dragon blood magic that lets her understand animals who are having a conversation like "poor girl, if only she knew there was a magic healing spring right over there". So she recovers, goes back to the king while still in her knight disguise, demands the hand of the princess as promised and keeps pressing even after the king is like "but the princess has run away". When he finally promises to uphold the bargain if the princess comes back, she takes off the helmet and is like "and so my hand is my own to give as I please".

- Fantasy setting where there's this drug called "surka" (I think) that's basically wizard crack, powers up your magic power and you can do wizard duels for days on end but you might drop dead of overexertion afterwards. The royal heir ends up abusing it after being frustrated by a lack of magic power, and ends up burning their magic power out completely, only to be told "didn't you know the royals are always late bloomers", sort of a downerPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Hey, have any of you read the work of Imitation Crystal? I highly recommend both series of "Spectral Wizard" as well as Game-bu


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For maybe 60k traffic/sales monthly how much do i need to do and what in art?
Also how good exactly

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