>>1070Well I finished Next, and you know what. It was quite good. Slayers can have its low points but it really can up the stakes right at the end, especially when you're watching this lighthearted adventure for a majority of it, only to see Lina kill a undead child, Xellos screaming as he loses an arm and Phibrizo killing all of the supporting cast one by one with no effort. It's stuff like this that really makes Slayers feel a bit different since it's always the light hearted comedy for the most part until someone REALLY wants to fuck shit up.
It reminded me slightly of Yu Yu Hakusho near the end, unstoppable forces that the main characters need to defeat with both Phibrizo and Gaav reminding me of Toguro a bit. I liked that about them, they were surprisingly ruthless and seeing character just get brutally hurt or die was actually quite shocking. Especially when you've seen them hit a wall or be knocked out before, only for blood to start spewing from them now. I enjoyed Gaav a lot and wished he stuck around longer, seeing him die to Phibrizo was a little underwhelming (would've preferred if Lina's Gigaslave was "delayed") but they had to introduce the real antagonist so I'm not fussed.
Episode wise, I do very much enjoy the episodes that didn't relate to the main plot much at all. The tennis episode, the episode with the all female city and the doll episode were really cool and some great episodes on the side, but once it started to pick up and fights with the demon lords became more common I began to really enjoy it more.
Character wise, I liked them all pretty much, they continue to be great. Was very fun to see Sylphiel and Zangulus come back, and actually felt a chill down my spine when that guy appeared after Gourry was turned against the party, never thought I'd see him again and working with the heroes. My only complaint was that I would've liked it if the supporting cast didn't feel as useless as they did. Sure, Lina is meant to save the day but I would've preferred everyone being able to go toe-to -toe with the demon lords only for them to really show their true power. I would've liked it if Martina was some sort of wildcard who could turn a situation around once or twice with Zoamelgustar even if it is made up, she did will a curse into actually working so having *some* form to Zoamelgustar would've been interesting through her own psychosis, in particular with how people would have no fucking clue how to react to it. But I guess I'm just a sucker for comic relief characters proving they're more than they are so I always say this about them.
I love the music in the anime as well, it sounded very similar to Pokémon in a lot of the tracks, but I guess listening to the dub also doesn't help separate the two much for me. Hearing the heroically comedic "Only To Go Ahead Believing Myself" track as the heroes walk around discussing mundane things, or "The Door Of The Battle" as fights are about to begin to really pump you up or hell just hearing the Dragon Slave music is just great. I can tell a lot of effort went into the music so I'm glad for that.
Overall, Next was definitely better than the previous season and can see why people call it the peak, it does suffer from a few boring parts and overall "generic-ness" of the show can't be denied, but it has charm and is enjoyable if you're up for it. Next up is Try (or possibly the movie, I haven't decided) but at that point I'm not sure if it'd be cool to talk about them since they go beyond the pre-2000s defined era, might just make one final post in a month or so when I'm done with the whole series about my thoughts.