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/lit/ - Literature

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Since its October, can anyone recommend some books on Japanese folklore, supernatural, and interactions with the spirit world and mythical creatures? I've found a couple of orientalist works like Kwaidan but I'm looking for primary sources. I know there's a Penguin collection, but I don't trust their cheap translations, and I'm not giving them a dime after the archive.org lawsuit.

I don't mind modern stories and urban legends too. There are dozens of YouTube videos supposedly based on posts from 2Chan (I'm assuming 2ch since Futaba's religion board is mostly about cults and politics) but I have no idea how accurate any of these translations are and wondered if there are archived versions of these threads or at least translations of those stories.


There’s a show produced by NHK called Yokai narrated by Michael Dylan Foster which looks at various yokai stories and their origin. You might find it interesting.

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