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/kind/ - Random Acts of Kindness

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Your board is cordially invited to participate in a SOKU TOURNAMENT. Enter to compete for glory for yourself and your board.

TOURNAMENT STARTS AT MARCH 23RD, 8PM UTC https://time.is/UTC https://prolikewoah.com/t/20240323T20

MAIN THREAD: https://zzzchan.xyz/japan/thread/11497.html
BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/SOKUAWAKENING
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/KS4EWGAMZL#/signup/r6sdsoi3ztc
STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts): https://cytu.be/r/touhourney

For those that do not want to register manually, post the name that you are signing up with in the main thread. It will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.


Full installation: https://mega.nz/#!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k
Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7ulje2arv05zjbg/Touhou_Hisoutensoku_%252B_Full_Unlock_%252B_SokuRoll_%252B_SWRSToys_%252B_Tensokukan.zip/file
Modpack: https://mega.nz/file/m5ghXYLQ#waa_R8bY-JmApb3Xia__6MetYdKddmCk39QwkJEGlGc

Get soku, then extract contents of swrs toys (modpack archive) directly into the same folder.

To host, a hosting player forwards a port (detailed instructions are available on the internet) and provides IP with a port in an IP:Port format, launches the game and uses the Vs Network menu to start the server. Client connects to provided IP and port and plays game. For hosts, please be sure to check the options menu to set a port and disable the "post to bot" checkmark if you don't want random people from the lobby to join instead of people in the thread. If no one's joining in the thread, playing people from the lobby can be a good idea to practice!

Should a port be unable to be forwarded, workarounds exist - Autopunch is installed in a modpack and is used automatically in case of un-forwarded ports. Keep in mind that it can fail on some routers and workplace connections and that ping will likely be less desirable, so please forward your ports.

Wiki: https://hisouten.koumakan.jp/

People are advised to check the main thread for hosted practice games and topical discussion. You never know what you may find!



-If final player count is below 26 players, the event will be a Best of 3, Double Elimination contest. Otherwise, it will be a Best of 3, Single Elimination contest.
-Use autopunch as a host when forwarding ports is impossible. Try to mention that it's used in the thread in case of connection failures - for some players, autopunch may simply not work. Link for non-modpack games here - https://github.com/delthas/autopunch
-Streamer is likely to be autistic, please put up with him.
-Take it easy.


From previous tournaments, there are some things that we've learned regarding the setup. Therefore, all participants are asked to get a couple things ready for when something inevitably goes wrong.


As spectating is unreliable at best, it's best to automatically save replays (enable in options). After the match, one of the players must upload the replays (found in Hisoutensoku\replay) and then give strmfag the link. This will let everyone see your matches on strm.


If you can't host, get autopunch (https://github.com/delthas/autopunch ; full installation already has this); both players need this. It will likely not function on a work network or an old router, so keep that in mind. If the participants fail to have a game until the winner is needed for the next round, it will be decided by concede or coinflip.


If a player is absent during the first round, his match is skipped until the rest of the matches within the round are done. If he's not there by then, he's counted as a bye and his opponent advances in the bracket. Same applies to later rounds. Don't hold everyone up.


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ARGH!! why is reisen a player character, but not watatsuki?? it's not fair!! she's way stronger!!


goddamn I haven't heard about th12.3 in a long-ass while, I even made a card game loosely inspired by the battle system


get in and practice


no I'm fucking dogshit at the game and y'all are like a continent away from me, enjoy playing at 200ms latency


What does "MF MF MF" mean?




Please enjoy the prestream. Tournament starts in approximately 1 hour. We apologize for the delay - and hope you have fun playing!


Ganbare figamin


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figamin got eliminated...


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>be me
>adding stuff to the rumiki
>see post bot talk about the tournament
>figure i might as well give it a try
>somehow works with crossover without much issue (m1 mac life)
>try to host
>can't because my folks have one of those stupid google wifi routers and it sets up its own subnet
>have to hunt for my ethernet adapter
>finally find it
>hit s by mistake which is random character i guess
>get sakuya
>somehow manage to win the first game using bullet spam
>get murdered in the second round
>first loser bracket opponent is a no show
>get murdered in the losers second round
lmao. was fun regardless. maybe if i had my fight stick i made from old happ parts i could actually practice, but that's still at uni (i'm on spring break).


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Nice games figamin. I hope you join the next ones too, you got some skills.
Congrats also for having wapchan officially endorsed by the tourney administration.




Tourney's over and Az (Sakuya) won! Congratulations!

Consider practicing more on our board!



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uh, hey! the full download for the program looks kind of sus! moriyashrine.org has the same game, but it looks less sus...

it might be too late and i don't think it has everything, but the copy from moriyashrine.org is here: https://moriyashrine.org/files/file/27-touhou-123-hisoutensoku-choudokyuu-ginyoru-no-nazo-wo-oe/


that's because sokuroll (rollback aid; tool to have online matches without extreme amounts of lag), which comes with the repack of the full download injects itself into soku .exe on launch
it's not virus, but moriyashrine copy likely doesn't have the following:
1) SWR hooked up to it (to access SWR characters and their decks)
2) netplay aids (sokuroll)
3) score file to get access to all cards (downloadable from the wiki)
repack is not virus!


>>get murdered in the losers second round
hope you enjoyed losing vs me, sucker

comfy board you have. don't mind me taking it easy for a bit.


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the 2hu tourney was fun! :D

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