I watched Dune (1984) mainly to watch the original before I watch the latest one and the sequel.
Cool movie although I was a tad confused with some plot points, but I guess that's what happens when a world with, what I'm assuming is rich lore is dumped on you in like 3 minutes and you're just kinda meant to take it along with a big book being made into a 2 hour movie. Some of the actor choices were very interesting. Kyle MacLachlan as Paul is always the one I remember but Jürgen Prochnow (Captain in Das Boot) and Patrick Stewart being in there was really surprising. Not to mention, fucking Sting.
Set design was on point and looks really cool and "out there", something I miss from that period of time. The CG effects were both incredibly crude but also kinda stylish because of how crude they were. The movie had a weird fighting style where they'd activate a blocky translucent brown shield that'd envelope their body and they'd fight with knives and it was strange to see but also somewhat quaint.
I wonder how the new Dune will be, it'd be interesting to compare them since they're about 40 years apart.
Also hearing, what I believe was an electric guitar used in a sort of holy and grand light was actually kinda cool. I've never really heard that instrument be used in that way. It'd be like replacing hymns in a track with an electric guitar twang instead
>>1018Great movie, first Ghibli thing I saw I think.
>>1025As dumb as it sounds I can never watch Wall-E. It destroyed me when I first watched it and then again four years later when I rewatched it. It just makes me think about how lonely I am.